Study Notes

All of Elvin Ouyang’s data science study notes in one place. As a student in Data Science and an enthusiast in data technologies, Elvin focuses on the application of data mining and machine learning on unstructured text data, network data, and geospatial databases. This page is a summary of all posted notebooks that Elvin created when learning data science.

Notebook Name Notebook Description
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python - Chapter 1 Study notes when learning chapter 1 of book Introduction to Machine Learning with Python by A Müller and S Guido. This chapter deals with essential packages for machine learning with Python.
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python - Chapter 2 - Datasets and kNN Study notes when learning chapter 2 of the above book. This note deals with a quick intro to the datasets used in the book as well as the fundamental model: nearest neighbor models.
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python - Chapter 2 - Linear Models for Continuous Target Study notes when learning chapter 2 of the above book. This note deals with using regression models on continuous target variable.
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python - Chapter 2 - Linear Models for Classification Study notes when learning chapter 2 of the above book. This note deals with using linear models on categorical target variable.
Object-Oriented Programming with R Study notes when learning object-oriented programming in R with S3 and R6. The course is provided by Data Camp R OOP course.